Student Research
Student Mentees
1.2017 - 2020: Laura Zaidenberg, the University of Michigan Undergraduate (co-advised with Myron Campbell)
Currently a graduate student in engineering at University of Michigan
2. 2017 - 2020: Juan Sanchez, the University of Michigan Undergraduate (co-advised with Myron Campbell)
Currently a Software Engineer at Walmart Global Tech
3. 2017 - 2019: Kristin Dona, the University of Michigan Undergraduate (co-advised with Myron Campbell)
Thesis project: Analysis of the KL0 → Ks0 regeneration
NSF Graduate Research Fellow award honorable mention (2019)
Featured in the Spring 2019 SPS Observer
Currently in graduate school at the University of Chicago
4. 2017- 2019: Noah McNeal, the University of Michigan Undergraduate (co-advised with Myron Campbell)
Thesis project: Pulse shape discrimination and waveform studies for gamma-neutron discrimination
Department of physics Ralph B. Bodine Scholarship (2017)
Barry Goldwater Scholarship (2018)
Marshall Scholarship (2019)
NSF Graduate Research Fellow award (2019)
Featured in the Spring 2019 SPS Observer
Currently in graduate school at Harvard University
5. 2017- 2019: Khalil Bryant, the University of Michigan Undergraduate (co-advised with Myron Campbell)
Currently in Graduate school in Applied Physics at the University of Michigan
6. 2015-2017 Jacqueline Beechert, the University of Michigan Undergraduate (co-advised with Myron Campbell)
Thesis project: Analysis of the KL0 → π+π−π0 Decay Mode for the KOTO Experiment
Wirt & Mary Cornwell Prize (2017)
NSF Graduate Research Fellow award honorable mention (2017)
NSF Graduate Research Fellow award (2018)
University of California-Berkeley, Ph.D. Candidate - Present
7. 2015-2016 Jessica (Jessie) Micaleff, the University of Michigan Undergraduate (co-advised with Myron Campbell)
Thesis project: Analysis of KL0 → π0π0 Decay Mode and Simulation of Data Acquisition System Upgrades for the KOTO Experiment
William L. Williams Thesis Award (2016)
Michigan State University, Ph.D. 2022
Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions