Seminars and Colloquia
Career Panel for NSBP & NSHP Student Leadership Development Summit
NSBP Headquaters, Washington DC, November 7-11, 2024
Career Panel for Undergraduate Students at MSIs
University of Tennessee, November 14, 2023
Strategies to improving Racial Equity in Physics: The AIP TEAM-UP Report
Tufts University, Physics Colloquium, March 18, 2021
Career Panel for Undergraduate Students at MSIs
University of Tennessee, July 30, 2021
My Path in Physics, Physics Seminar (Invited)
University of the Virgin Islands, March 19, 2021
BLM: A Day of Action, Underrepresented Minorities in STEM Panel.
Bard High School, February 2, 2021
"Careers Paths of Physics."
Florida International University, November 5, 2020
The search for Nothing to Nothing K0L → π0νν ̄ (Invited Seminar)
Indiana University, Physics Seminar, April 12, 2020 (POSTPONED COVID-19)
Status of the search for K0L → π0νν ̄ (Invited Seminar)
Brandies University, Physics Seminar, April 2, 2020 (POSTPONED COVID-19)
The search for K0L → π0νν ̄ (Invited Seminar)
Stony Brook University, Physics Seminar, March 30, 2020 (POSTPONED COVID-19)
Update on the search for K0L → π0νν ̄ (Invited Colloquium)
University of New Hampshire, Physics Colloquium, March 27, 2020 (POSTPONED COVID-19)
Update on the search for K0L → π0νν ̄ (Invited Seminar)
Morgan State University, Department of Physics Seminar, February 27, 2020
Recent progress on the search for K0L → π0νν ̄ (Invited Seminar)
Yale University, Department of Physics NPA Seminar, November 20, 2019
Progress on the search for K0L → π0νν̄ with the KOTO detector
University of Michigan, Physics Colloquium, November 13, 2019
Search for elusive K0L → π0νν̄ with the KOTO detector (Invited)
UCLA, Physics Seminar. November 6, 2019
Search for the elusive K0L → π0νν̄ with the KOTO detector (Invited)
George Washington University, Physics Seminar. October 29, 2019
The road less travelled: Searching for rare physics processes
Virginia Union University, Physical Sciences Seminar. October 28, 2019
Status of the KOTO experiment (Search for K0L → π0νν ̄) (Invited Colloquium)
Tohoku University, GPPU Physics Colloquium, July 18, 2019
New results on the search for Search for K0L → π0νν ̄ (Invited Seminar)
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Physics HEP Seminar, May 8, 2019
New results on the search for Search for K0L → π0νν ̄with the KOTO detector (Invited Seminar)
Michigan State University, Department of Physics HEP Seminar, April 30, 2019
New results on the search for Search for K0L → π0νν ̄ (Invited Seminar)
University of Virginia, Department of Physics HEP Seminar, December 5, 2018
New results on the search for Search for K0L → π0νν ̄with the KOTO detector (Invited Seminar)
University of Tennessee, Department of Physics Colloquium, November 12, 2018
New results on the search for Search for K0L → π0νν ̄with the KOTO detector (Invited Seminar)
Fermilab Joint Experimental-Theoretical Physics Seminar ("Wine and Cheese"). October 12, 2018
KOTO: the search for the elusive K0L → π0νν ̄
University of Michigan, High Energy Physics Seminar, April 2, 2018, Ann Arbor, MI
Search for a rare kaon decay with the KOTO detector (Invited Seminar)
Howard University, Department of Physics Seminar , January 17, 2018, Washington D.C.
The search for K0L → π0νν ̄ decay with the KOTO detector (Invited Seminar)
Florida International University, Department of Physics Seminar, November 14, 2017, Miami Florida
Status of the KOTO experiment (Search for K0L → π0νν ̄) (invited Seminar)
SLAC Experimental Seminar Series, January 24, 2017, Stanford, California
Changing the landscape of physics graduate education (Invited Seminar)
Stanford University, Equity and Inclusion Seminar, January 23, 2017, Stanford, California
Importance of the search for K0L → π0νν ̄ (Invited Seminar)
Florida International University, SSTEM Physics Colloquium, November 15, 2016, Miami, Florida
Addressing diversity in physics and why you should consider graduate school
Florida International University, SSTEM Physics Colloquium, November 14, 2016, Miami, Florida
Status of the KOTO experiment (Search for K0L → π0νν ̄) (Invited Seminar)
Cincinnati University, Department of Physics Colloquium, November 8, 2016, Cincinnati, Ohio
A divers path forward to addressing diversity in physics (Invited Seminar)
Cincinnati University, Department of Physics Colloquium, November 8, 2016, Cincinnati, Ohio
Search for the rare decay of K0L → π0νν ̄ with the KOTO detector (Invited Seminar)
A diverse path forward with a degree in physics Valparaiso University, Physics Colloquium, November 5, 2016, Valparaiso, Indiana
A Taste of Miami: Motivation and opportunities to attend graduate school (Keynote Speaker)
2nd Annual FIU McNair Scholars Research Conference, October 14-16, 2015, Miami, Florida
What is out there in the "Real World"
University of Michigan, Department of Physics Life after Graduate School Seminar, September 25, 2015, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Increasing Access to Grad School: Looking Beyond the Status Quo, A New Approach to Diversity in Graduate Physics Education (Invited talk)
2015 AAPT Summer Conference, July 25-29, 2015, College Park, Maryland
Barriers to access: Effecting change in the admission process at your institution (Invited talk)
Inclusive Astronomy Conference, June 17-19, 2015, Nashville, Tennessee
Photoproduction of Λ Hyperons and Neutral Kaons on the deuteron in the energy range of 0.8-1.1 GeV (Invited Seminar)
Florida International University, Department of Physics Colloquium, January 24, 2013, Miami, Florida
Physics of Superheroes
Florida International University Graduate Student Seminar, January 12, 2007, Miami, Florida
Detection of Cherenkov Light Using Acrylic Plastic
Florida International University Graduate Student Seminar, November 11, 2006, Miami, Florida
DOE HEP: Intensity Frontier Overview and Funding Opportunities
APS DPF Meeting, Pittsburgh PA
Becoming a Better Career Mentor
APS NMC Meeting Virtual Meeting, February 18-21, 2021
Efforts to improve diversity and inclusion in Physics
APS Division of Particles and Fields Meeting meeting. July 28 - August 1, 2019, Boston, MA
Results on the search for K0L → π0νν̄
APS Division of Particles and Fields Meeting meeting. July 28 - August 1, 2019, Boston, MA
New results on the search for K0L → π0νν̄
APS April meeting. April 13-16, 2019, Denver, CO
Navigating and Making the Best of Mentoring
APS Bridge Program/NMC meeting. November 16-18, 2018, Stanford, CA
Study of the normalization modes in the search the for the rare of K0L → π0νν ̄ decay with the KOTO detector
39th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), July 3-11, 2018, Seoul, South Korea
Stategies to improve diversity and inclusion in Physics
39th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), July 3-11, 2018, Seoul, South Korea
The KOTO experiment at JPARC and the search for K0L → π0νν ̄
APS April Meeting, April 14-17, 2018, Columbus, OH
Present Status of the search for the K0L → π0νν ̄ decay with the KOTO detector at J-PARC
APS Division of Particles and Fields Meeting, July 31-August 4, 2017, Fermi Lab, IL
Survey of the physics landscape and attempts to improve diversity
APS Division of Particles and Fields, July 31-August 4, 2017, Fermi Lab, IL
Workshop on Best Retentrion Practices
Brian Beckford, Casey Miller, and Geraldine Cochran
APS Joint Graduate Education and Bridge Program Conference, February 10-12, 2017, College Park, MD
Workshop on Culturally Sensitive Mentoring
Brian Beckford, Ximena Cid, Mel Sabella, and Michael Falk
APS Joint Graduate Education and Bridge Program Conference, February 10-12, 2017, College Park, MD
KL Flux calculation and comments on ICHEP 2016
KOTO collaboration meeting, August 26-28, 2016, Tokai-mura, Japan
Search for the rare decay of K0L → π0νν ̄ with the KOTO detector
38th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), August 3-10, 2016, Chicago, Illinois
Bridge Programs as an Approach to Improving Diversity in Physics
38th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), August 6 2016, Chicago, Illinois
KOTO DAQ status in 2015
KOTO collaboration meeting, January 29-31, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan
What are the APS Bridge Program Best Practices
Brian Beckford and Theodore Hodapp
APS Bridge Program Meeting, October 11, 2015, Miami, Florida
Near threshold Λ(1115) photoproduction on a deuteron
4th APS/JPS Division of Nuclear Physics joint meeting, October 7-11, 2014, Waikoalo, Hawaii
Photoproduction of Λ on a deuteron at threshold energies
Fall Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) Division of Nuclear Physics, October 23-16, 2013, Newport News, Virginia
Measurement of the photon induced production of Λ in the d(γ,Λ)X reaction
International workshop on strangeness nuclear physics, August 27-29, 2012, Osaka, Japan
Near threshold Λ(1115) photoproduction on a deuteron
Japan Physical Society JPS Fall Meeting, September 18, 2011, Hirosaki, Japan
Current status of the Vertex Drift Chamber (VDC)
Nuclear Physics Working Group meeting Tohoku University Laboratory of Nuclear Science, March 2, 2010, Sendai, Japan
Performance study of a Vertex Drift Chamber (VDC) for the measurement of strangeness production in the d(γ, K0)ΛX reaction 3rd APS/JPS Division of Nuclear Physics joint meeting, October 13-17, 2009, Waikoalo, Hawaii
Present status of the VDC and future outlook
Nuclear Physics Working Group at Tohoku University Laboratory of Nuclear Science, November 13, 2009, Sendai, Japan
The motivation for the NKS2 upgrade. A report on its present status.
Nuclear Physics Working Group at Tohoku University Laboratory of Nuclear Science, March 16, 2009, Sendai, Japan 2007
Poster Presentations
Results on the search for K0L → π0νν ̄ decay with the KOTO detector
Kaon 19 Conference. September 2019, Perugia, Italy
AIP Team-UP Taskforce
APS April Meeting. April 13-16, 2019
AIP Team-UP Taskforce
APS April Meeting. April 14-17, 2018
Investigation of the photoinduced production of strangeness in the threshold region
Tohoku University’s 1st GCOE symposium
February 22-25, 2012 Sendai, Japan
Investigation of the photoinduced production of strangeness in the threshold region
Tohoku University’s 1st International School of Strangeness Nuclear Physics
February 12-18, 2012, Tokai/Sendai, Japan
Photoproduction of Neutral Kaons on Deuterons
30th Annual Meeting of National Society of Black Physicists, February 2007, Boston, Massachusetts
Photoproduction of Neutral Kaons on Deuterons
73rd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the APS, November 9-11, 2006, Williamsburg, Virginia
Detection of Cherenkov Light with Wavelength Shifting Plastic: A Beam Test
72nd Annual Meeting of Southeastern American Physics Society April Meeting, April 16-19, 2005, Tampa, Florida
Detection of Cherenkov Light with Wavelength Shifting Acrylic Plastic
Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC), October 24-28, 2005, Santa Fe, New Mexico